Build & Run

Build & Run

1. Prerequisites

1.1 Hardware

A minimum of 16 GB of RAM is needed to run the full stack of the CHVote system.

1.2 Development tools

To build and run the CHVote applications, the following tools have to be installed on your environment:

Please read the relevant installation documentation of each of these components to setup them properly in your own environment.

Set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to your JDK 11 installation directory.

1.3 Docker environment variables

On a Linux host add the following environment variables:

DOCKER_COMPOSE_LOCATION=<your docker-compose installation directory>

On a Windows host add the following environment variables (adapt with the results from running the command docker-machine env):

DOCKER_LOCATION=<Docker Toolbox install directory>\docker.exe
DOCKER_CERT_PATH=C:\Users\<your username>\.docker\machine\machines\default
DOCKER_COMPOSE_LOCATION=<Docker Toolbox install directory>\docker-compose.exe

1.4 Required ports

The defaults ports used by the stack are the following and must be free:

Port Component
5672 RabbitMQ AMQP Port
15672 RabbitMQ Management Port
8090 Bulletin Board
8190 Bulletin Board (management)
5002 Bulletin Board PostgreSQL Database
8091 Control Component #0
5000 Control Component #0 PostgreSQL Database
8092 Control Component #1
5001 Control Component #1 PostgreSQL Database
8093 Protocol runner
8281 Pact Backend (front api)
8282 Pact Backend (b2b api)
8888 Pact Backend (management api)
47646 Pact Backend (Mock Server)
8283 Pact Backend (Scheduler)
47645 Pact H2 Database
4200 Pact Frontend
9753 BO Backend (front api)
9755 BO Backend (management)
9754 BO Mock Server
9756 BO Mock Server (management)
9757 BO H2 Database
4300 BO Frontend
8080 Vote Receiver Backend
57648 Vote Receiver Mock Server
57645 Vote Receiver H2 Database
4400 Vote Receiver Frontend
8381 VRUM (front api)
8382 VRUM (b2b api)
8889 VRUM (management api)
48646 VRUM (Mock server)
48645 VRUM H2 Database
4500 VRUM Frontend

1.5 Setup dependencies

This build & run documentation provides the fastest way to build and start the components of CHVote. It relies on downloading the required maven and npm dependencies from public repositories.

As another way to get those dependencies locally, you can of course checkout the repositories of each dependency and build and install them yourself.

The npm dependency is published directly to the repository (, so no specific configuration is needed here.

However, to download the dependencies from the maven public repository, you need to tell maven to connect to our public repository. The following xml snippet is an example of how to configure the maven settings.xml file to use the repository:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation=''
         xmlns='' xmlns:xsi=''>

2. Clone the applications repositories

Clone the repositories unto your development device in a fresh workspace (its path will be referred as WORKSPACE_CHVOTE in the following command lines):

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

3. Start the required middleware

The base image for the control components database must be built locally (chvote/cc-database). This must be done by running the system tests of the protocol components:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-protocol

JAVA_HOME=<your jdk 8 home> \
MB_USERNAME=rabbitmq \
MB_PASSWORD=p4ssW0rd \
mvn -P system-tests verify

Please read to manage the oracle jdbc driver dependency.

If the system tests succeed, you can then launch RabbitMQ and the 3 PostgreSQL databases for the control components and the bulletin board:

docker-compose -f system-tests/docker-compose.yml -p systemtests up

4. Start the Bulletin board

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-protocol/bulletin-board/bulletin-board-messaging

JAVA_HOME=<your jdk 8 home> \
mvn spring-boot:run

5. Start the Control components

Two control components must be launched.

Run the Control Component #0:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-protocol/control-component/control-component-messaging

JAVA_HOME=<your jdk 8 home> \
mvn spring-boot:run

If you’re using the Windows Docker toolbox, add windows_0 to the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable.

Run the Control Component #1:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-protocol/control-component/control-component-messaging

JAVA_HOME=<your jdk 8 home> \
mvn spring-boot:run

If you’re using the Windows Docker toolbox, add windows_1 to the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable.

6. Test the protocol core components

Run a test with the protocol runner:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-protocol/protocol-runner

JAVA_HOME=<your jdk 8 home> \
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=runner,voteclient \
mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.arguments=--host=$DOCKER_HOSTNAME,--port=5672,--username=rabbitmq,--password=p4ssW0rd,--nbControlComponents=2,--votersCount=10,--waitTimeout=1200000,--securityLevel=1,--electionSet=SIMPLE_SAMPLE

The tests is successful if a test report in markdown format have been generated in $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-protocol/protocol-runner/target. You should see in the protocol runner log the following trace: Verification data written at $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-protocol/protocol-runner/./target/TestReport_<date>.md.

Once the report has been generated, you can stop the protocol runner (Crtl+C), as it keeps running because it also runs a vote client that do not stop by itself (always listening).

7. Start the PACT web application

Build the PACT backend applications:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-pact/pact-back
CHVOTE_OUTPUT_DIR=. mvn clean install

Run the PACT main backend application:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-pact/pact-back/pact-back-rest

MB_PORT=5672 \
MB_USERNAME=rabbitmq \
MB_PASSWORD=p4ssW0rd \
CHVOTE_VR_IDENTIFICATION_URL=http://localhost:4400/{0}vote/{1}/{2}/{3}/identification \
CHVOTE_PACT_CONTEXT_URL=http://localhost:4200 \
mvn spring-boot:run

Run the PACT mock server:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-pact/pact-back/pact-back-mock-server/pact-back-mock-server-rest
mvn spring-boot:run

Run the PACT scheduler (currently used to automatically start the generation of the results after the voting period has ended) :

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-pact/pact-back/pact-back-scheduler
SERVER_PORT=8283 mvn spring-boot:run

Build and run the PACT frontend:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-pact/pact-front/
npm install
npm start

if you encounter a Cannot read property 'match' of undefined error when running npm install, delete the package-lock.json file before running npm install again.

To test the user interface, go to http://localhost:4200 and log in with user user1 and password password.

To generate some test data, go to the mock server UI at http://localhost:47646/mock/swagger-ui.html:

  • First, run GET /database/reset
  • Then run GET /operations/create

Go back to the PACT UI, you should now see 2 Demandes en cours.

8. Start the BO web application

Build the BO backend:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-bo/backend
mvn clean install

Run the BO backend application:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-bo/backend/bo-backend-rest

SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=development,with-local-pact \
PACT_VOTINGMATERIALBASELOCATION=$WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-pact/pact-back/pact-back-rest/target/classes/ \
mvn spring-boot:run

In the previous command line, don’t forget to replace $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE with the actual value.

Run the BO mock server:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-bo/backend/bo-backend-mock-server

mvn spring-boot:run

Build and run the BO frontend:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-bo/frontend/
npm install -g @angular/cli
npm install
npm start

To test the user interface, go to http://localhost:4300 and log in with user ge1 and password pass.

To generate some test data, go to the mock server UI at http://localhost:9754/mock/swagger-ui.html:

  • First, run GET /database/reset
  • Then run GET /database/operation/create/{shortName}/{longName}. In the options, fill the shortName and the longName, and choose the following options: ADD_MILESTONE, ADD_DOMAIN_INFLUENCE and ADD_REPOSITORY_VOTATION.

Go back to the BO UI, you should now see your newly created operation.

9. Start the Vote Receiver web application

Build the Vote Receiver backend:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-receiver/backend
mvn clean install

Run the Vote Receiver backend application:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-receiver/backend/vr-backend-rest

SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev,with-local-pact \
mvn spring-boot:run

Run the Vote Receiver mock server:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-receiver/backend/vr-backend-mock-server/vr-backend-mock-server-rest
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev,with-local-pact mvn spring-boot:run

Build and run the Vote Receiver frontend:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-receiver/frontend/
npm install
npm start

Now create some test data: open the browser at http://localhost:57646/mock/swagger-ui.html. Go to the database-controller entry then create-use-case in order to create an operation. Only the following parameters are supported for now:

  • canton: drop-down list of cantons.
  • dateType: specify if it’s a current, past or future operation
  • groupedVotation: boolean to choose a display mode in case of multiple votations
  • type: the operation type
  • withElection: boolean that must be setted to false as it’s not yet supported
  • withVotation: boolean that should be setted to true. Otherwise you will have an empty operation

Finally, go to the vote receiver frontend at http://localhost:8080/test/. You should now see the created operation.

10. Start the VRUM web application

Build the VRUM backend:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-vrum/chvote-vrum-backend

mvn clean install

Run the VRUM backend application:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-vrum/chvote-vrum-backend/chvote-vrum-rest

mvn spring-boot:run

Run the VRUM mock server:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-vrum/chvote-vrum-backend/chvote-vrum-mock-server/chvote-vrum-mock-server-rest
mvn spring-boot:run

Build and run the VRUM frontend:

cd $WORKSPACE_CHVOTE/chvote-vrum/chvote-vrum-frontend/
npm install
npm start

To test the user interface, go to http://localhost:4500 and log in with user ge1 and password pass.

To generate some test data, go to the mock server UI at http://localhost:48646/mock/swagger-ui.html: and run POST /database.

11. Start the U-Print offline application

Build the U-Print application:

mvn clean verify -P<platform>

where <platform> can be:

  • windows
  • linux
  • mac

Run the application:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar u-print-gui/target/u-print.jar

12. Start the U-Count offline application

Build the U-Count application:

mvn clean verify -P<platform>

where <platform> can be:

  • windows
  • linux
  • mac

Run the application:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar u-count-gui/target/u-count.jar

13. Run an end-to-end test

Use the published test data to run a complete end-to-end test of the CHVote platform.

Also watch the demonstration video to learn how to use the CHVote applications.

Département des infrastructures
Office cantonal des systèmes d'information et du numérique
Rue du Grand-Pré 64-66
1211 Genève 2
Tél: +41 (22) 388 00 00